Optimize your Detox
Discover the transformative power of improving your detoxification systems and learn how to reclaim your vitality by effectively cleansing your body of harmful toxins.
Let us help guide you!
What is the Process of Detoxification?
Detoxification is the vital process of removing toxins and harmful substances from the body. In our modern world, we are exposed to over 350,000 new man-made chemicals, and this toxic burden can overwhelm our bodies natural detox systems.
Viruses, bacteria, medications, pesticides, and even stress can all impair our body's ability to efficiently detoxify. It is essential to practice regular detox techniques and support the key systems involved, such as cellular energy, lymphatic drainage, and bowel function.
The Detox Process


Toxin Intake & Binding
Our bodies are constantly exposed to a barrage of harmful substances, from the food we eat and the air we breathe to the products we use and the stress we experience. These toxins can accumulate and impair our body's natural detoxification systems. The detox process starts with targeting and binding to these toxins to pull them out of tissues and flush them out through the lymphatic system.


Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes filled with white blood cells. Our lymph help us flush out the toxins by carrying them to the liver and other organs for processing and removal. Keeping this system active is essential for effective detoxification. The state of our immune system determines how well our lymphatic system is able to filter toxins.


Liver's Role
The liver is our body's natural detoxification powerhouse and plays a crucial role in the detox process. It transforms toxins into harmless substances, labels them for removal, and prepares them for safe elimination from the body. If the liver gets overwhelmed by toxin load it may require additional support for proper detox to occur.


Toxins leave our body through our bowels, sweat, and breath. This emphasizes the need for regular sweating techniques and incorporating breathwork into your practice. Bowels should clear at least twice a day for proper detox to occur.
How to Use our Sauna Prep Kit
Drink Milk Thistle Tea
Milk Thistle enhances the liver's ability to process and eliminate toxins and increases the production of bile, which helps remove toxins from the body.
Dry Brush
Dry brushing boosts circulation, exfoliates gently, helps detox the body, improves skin appearance, supports fascia, and activates the parasympathetic nervous system.
How To
  • Dry brush lymphatic points to activate drainage pathways.
  • Start at the bottoms of your feet and up your legs in long, smooth short strokes, around 10 times each section.
  • Then Start brushing the palms of the hands and again brush up the arm toward the chest.
  • Brush the abdomen and armpits towards your center and in a clockwise motion.
  • Always brush inward and towards your liver.
  • Lightly stroke downward along both sides of the neck. Lightly brush the face, then back.
Dry brushing routines are generally safe for most individuals. It is essential to ask a healthcare professional before trying it out if you suffer from one of the following conditions: Damaged Skin, such as open wounds and active infection, sensitive skin, inflammatory skin conditions such dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, varicose veins & circulatory problems, recent sunburn, high-risk pregnancy
For those with sensitive or very dry skin:
Frankincense oil might be a helpful addition to your dry brushing routine. This essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which could potentially soothe any dryness or irritation that occurs after brushing.
Apply Castor Oil
Applying castor oil topically stimulates the lymphatic system, improves liver function, and reduces inflammation.
More Info
  • Apply the castor oil in your belly button, over your liver (under your right ribs), or evenly spread over your abdomen.
  • Castor oil does have a laxative effect and may result in an increase in bowel movements as the detoxification process activates.
  • Some people need to start low and slow, using castor oil packs, over night, vs on skin vs belly button.
  • Preliminary evidence suggests that castor oil may modulate white blood cell count and may have a positive effect on liver function and cholesterol levels.
Post Sauna Replenishment
Drink your electrolytes!
As you sweat not only do you lose water but you also lose essential nutrients and minerals! It is important to replenish these after sweating.
We love using Redmond Re-Lyte Real Salt Electrolytes
Detox Products
All orders must be placed by 11:59 pm on 5/20/2024
Pre Sauna
Promotes lymphatic motion, drainage, and health with botanicals that also support adrenal, liver, immunity, and mental clarity.
Pre & Post Sauna
Biotoxin Binder
Promotes natural detoxification, gut health, and cellular repair for an ideal first-step in a detox regimen.

Pre & Post Sauna
Drainage Activator supports the extracellular matrix (ECM) - the fluids between cells that are vital for cellular health, lymphatic drainage, and gut/liver function.
Post Sauna
Provides trace minerals from fulvic acid to support cognitive function, energy, immunity, and well-being. Includes bioavailable magnesium.

All Products Formulated with BioActive Carbon®
BioActive Carbon® Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify. * With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
Continue Your Healing Journey With Us!
Our Approach
At Trilogy Health & Performance, we treat each patient as a unique individual with interconnected systems. Our goal is to optimize and strengthen your body so you can overcome disease and discomfort. We empower you with knowledge on how your health works and how to make informed choices. Our comprehensive care helps you embrace a life of vitality and fulfillment.
All of our treatments start with addressing foundational elements. We review the fundamentals and assure your body has a stable starting point for healing.
Our Protocols
Our Rhythm Resetting Protocol restores your body's natural energy, hormone, and neurotransmitter production. It provides a stable foundation for healing.
The Restorative Protocol guides your body through the cleansing and rebuilding process, while removing toxic loads.
These protocols work together to reset your system, addressing a wide range of symptoms and chronic health conditions. They can also be used separately to fit your unique needs:
• The Rhythm Resetting Protocol complements other treatments, helping the body fight better.
• The Restorative Protocols aid in the recovery of acute infections, illnesses, or toxin exposures.
Our programs include all visits, training devices, coaching, rehab, nutrition planning, and supplements. By addressing multiple systems simultaneously, we promote more effective healing.
Our Testing We
Stress & Metabolic Profile: A salivary test that gives us a comprehensive look into your immune system, nervous system, hormonal health, and metabolism.
This allows us to assess your overall ability to heal and identify the specific areas that need assistance. With accurate results that go beyond traditional blood and urinary testing, we can determine if you're under chronic stress, fighting a heavy toxic load, and how well your immune system is responding in just 4 markers. This approach lets us get the most information possible while minimizing the number of tests we run.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. With any detoxification protocol there is always a risk of experiencing “die off symptoms”, or Jarisch Herxheimer reactions, often referred to as herxing. Because of this proper guidance by a professional is always recommended.
Remember to be smart and listen to your body, ease into things and rest & refuel when needed!
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